HSR ICYMI 🍒・₊✧ ₊

Time for my favorite part of the week, ICYMI!!!

ICYMI ₊♡₊˚ 🍒・₊✧ ₊

♡ This Week’s Mindset: You can't add days to your life, but you can add life to your days.

♡ This Week’s Mantra: The only difference between you and who you want to be is the stories you tell yourself. - Dr. Joe Dispenza

♡ Success Hack: The most successful people in the world, if nothing else, are great storytellers. The rational facts and figures you think are important actually don’t stick in our minds at all, but stories are sticky and attach emotions and memories to things that happen. So, if nothing else, become a great storyteller. My favorite storytelling hack from Jerry Seinfeld is below, and here’s another short TikTok video I love from Scott Galloway on the power of storytelling.

♡ Storytelling Hack: Keep things simple, stupid. Some of my favorite advice revolves around simplicity, so just like Coco Chanel recommends you “remove one thing before you leave the house,” if you want to be a good storyteller, according to Jerry Seinfeld, “remove elements of a story even if it seems complete to make it as impactful as possible.”

♡ 4 Current Information Diet Favs This Week: Bless Alex Cooper for not only making “rotting” acceptable with the WSJ last week, but she also glamorizes it. I used to feel so bad if my body was telling me to do nothing all Saturday and rest. I would push myself to be busy and “productive,” but now the best (and most feminine) thing I can do is exactly what my body is telling me to do, which yesterday meant rotting in bed. I only have three days back home before I leave again, so here’s what I consumed to keep me occupied all day:

 This Book (curveball, it’s fiction and just for the enjoyment of reading)
 This Podcast
 This Song
 This Movie: Fifty Shades of Grey

This Week’s Mood Board

♡ My July Favorites ♡

Travel Pouch | Seed Vaginal Microbiome | Sunglasses | Earrings | Necklace | Necklace | Suitcase | Blush | Dress | Sandals | Hat | Bag | Headphones | Headphone Covers

Consumer News

♡ the brands, people, places, things that have captured my attention ♡

Summer Fridays a BIG fundraising round from TSG Consumer - (from Business Wire)

The Lyst rankings are out and Loewe is number one - (from WWD)

The $12,000 Harvard Business School class celebrities are fighting to get into - (from Bloomberg)

Jake Paul’s W brand raised $11M to compete with Axe, Old Spice - (from WSJ)

Female Founder World is giving away $15,000 to one small business - (from FemaleFounderWorld)

Seven Starling raises $10M in Series A funding to expand access to specialized women’s behavioral health services - (from FemTech Insider)

AG1 names new Chief Executive - (from BoF)

Male infertility anxiety is driving the latest wellness boom - (from BoF)

One creator is suing another for (allegedly) copying her vibe. Can she win? - (from tubefilter)

Google Isn’t Tossing It’s Cookies

♡ this news is BIG, so I had to do a deep dive ♡

This week, Google announced they won’t be tossing its cookies after all, throwing the consumer ecosystem into a tailspin. Apple set the tone with their iOS update back in 2020, and for years, Google promised it would follow suit. But after repeatedly delaying the update, Google said on Monday they changed their mind.

Apple’s update has completely changed the way brands keep track of and market to consumers. Take it from someone who was literally a marketer in a brand at that time—it was chaos.

And so, while brands might think they are in the clear because of Google’s decision, they need to think again. The majority, 52%*, of purchases take place on iPhones, and Safari is still impacted by Apple’s previous decision to deprecate third-party cookies. It will become more important than ever for brands to have solutions to navigate the digital landscape with two very distinct operating systems.

So if you’re looking for ways to access the 52% of consumers who buy on their iPhone or Safari, Black Crow AI is the tool that will help give power back to founders and marketers to continue growing their business. In full disclosure, I’m an advisor to the company, and my portfolio companies have had insane results from using this tool.

*based off of data from companies utilizing Black Crow AI over the last 12 months

5 Podcasts Hot Smart Rich Girls Are Listening To

The secrets to living a hot smart rich life this summer are in this week’s 5 podcasts! You can find these podcasts (and 100+ more) on my Spotify playlist.

TYSM, I♡U!!!!

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This week I’m sharing:

  • What brands need to do to capitalize on the olympics and work with the best athlete brand partners!

  • A cautionary tale: why the Supreme acquisition failed and ultimately lead to a sale for half the price

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